William Jennings Bryan: Magnificent Loser

David Boles co-wrote —- William Jennings Bryan: Magnificent Loser -- with Marshall Jamison for the Nebraska Educational Television Network. David Ogden Stiers was to play William Jennings Bryan. Touch the page below to download the full first draft script file.

William Jennings Bryan: Magnificent Loser Script


Unknowable Killing of Little Boy Blue (1993)
Carving Cather (1998)
Maslova: Tolstoy Musical (1989)
Bitterness of Ash (1988)
Binding of Isaac (1991)
Straight-Arrow from Broken Bow (1990)
Bits & Pieces (1987)
Dramatists Curse (1990)
United States: Fade Away (12/14-17/88)
Hunt for Home (10/15/90)
Sisyzeck: Crack Queen of Cabrini Green (1989)
Stone's Throw [reviews] (1986)
Weeping Water Cafe [live stage] [reviews] (1/7/87)
Drama of the Body [sheet] [video] (12/10/02)
Murder in Ernest (1984)
Cracked Stained Glass (1983)
Concessions (1984)
Holed Up (1985)
Unknowable Killing of Little Boy Blue [MAPS] (11/93)
Antigone '88 (1988)


Weeping Water Cafe [TV] [reviews] (1/7/87)
Roseanne: Dan the Man [spec] (1993)
Uncle Wiggly (1991)
Toots (1991)
Harmonic Heart (1991)
Golden Girls: Big Freeze [spec] (1985)

Westborough Crusaders (1982)

Episode 1: A Grain of Sand
Episode 2: Broken Revelations
Episode 3: Intrepid Reflections
Episode 4: Excelsior [video]
Episode 5: Only a Matter of Time
Episode 6: A Blind Man's Camelot
Episode 7: The God of War
Episode 8: Masquerade of Robin Goodfellow [video]

Mickle: Impossible (11/19/79)
Waterstone Corner (1982)
Twilight Zone: Another 12-Year-Old Hero [spec] (1985)
Jojo -- stage play treatment (2/24/79)


Ischia is Burning (1993)
Deep Kill (1993)
Quake (1992)
Harmonic Heart (1992)
William Jennings Bryan: Magnificent Loser (1988)
Watershed -- First Draft [film] (1986)
Bushwhacker (1986)
Second Man's Denouement (6/2/82)
Strayers (1981)
To Be Steurling -- Jojo screenplay (6/9/81)


Coal (1978)
Growing Older (4/19/80)
Headlines (1981)