Private Writing Program
You now have the opportunity for exclusive, private, master class writing study with David Boles.

Your Private Writing Program
is now Your
Script Professor!

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for further information
on what you will read here!

Numerous requests have been made for an intensive, private, writing program that starts from an idea and leads to a finished piece.  Now you have a Private Writing Program that caters to your needs alone.  You set your own hours and agenda while making your writing soar!

The Private Writing Program is only for serious writers who seek to create meaningful work on a hard deadline.  Do not purchase The Program unless you have a specific idea you want to develop or you will waste your time and money.  The goal is to create, on a fast development track, a work that works. 

The Private Writing Program includes, but is not limited to, the following disciplines:

Art of Adaptation (Plays, Television, Film, Radio)
30 Minute Television Comedy
60 Minute Television Drama
Original One Act Play
Original Three Act Play
Radio Drama
Poetry Chapbook
Short Story

Here is the unique way the Private Writing Program works: 

Lessons are purchased in 30 day blocks. 

During that 30 day block you are entitled to...

Weekly writing assignments and assessments.
Unlimited quick feedback via email within 24 hours.
Four 30 minute telephone conversations.
A formal two page critique upon block completion.

Your Private Writing Program
has become your
Script Professor!

Please touch
to learn more information
on what you will find there!



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